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JDP Compound – Saigon Airport

Looking for anyone who lived here during 1964. The compound was bordered by the Airport, a graveyard and a golf course. Many kids who attended school lived here.


9 comments to JDP Compound – Saigon Airport

  • Ken

    my family, the Yeagers, lived on JDP. I spent some time there in 1964 upon my return to Saigon after a stint in Washington, DC. I have a kid sister who was there at the time, about 8 or 9 years old. My Dad was working for USOM as a contractor at the time. Ken

  • Debbie Yeager Taylor

    I am the kid sister that Ken is talking about. We spent at least a year and a half on JDP. We lived on the middle street and I believe there was a baseball field across from us. Did you live there at the time a family had a gibbon that howled and had a perch from their house to some type of structure in their backyard?

    • Janet Reiter

      Wow. Your names sound kinda familiar. We lived in the JDP compound in 1963-64. Went to school at the American School. Reiter is our last name and we had a BIG family! We lived on one of the outside streets, across the street from a pillbox that we would climb up into and play. And we would go through the outside fence to play with a Vietnamese girl, Jacqueline (after telling her brothers, in Vietnamese, to “move the cows” cuz they didn’t like girls!) I remember taking piano lessons from a woman that lived right next to the gate as you came into the compound. I remember “come as you are” parties, as we were all little girls. I guess I might have been in 3d and 4th grade. So…sound familiar to anyone??

  • Ken

    Hey Sis, welcome. Big Brother – Ken

  • Bill Rasmussen


    My dad was a hydrologist with USAID.We lived in a Bungalow that had a maid’s quarters downstairs. It was across the street from Dr. Smith, a missionary who had two sons, Brian and Ray C. Next door there was a woman who had a Gibbon monkey named Noui. One of the JDP kids got a python and we had a picture taken with it slung over our shoulders. Our mascot was a brown dog we called Charlie Brown. When the war escalated, our house at JDP was turned into a quartermasters hooch by the marines.
    In addition to the airport, graveyard, and golf course, I remember a fruit orchard. Also, there was an observation tower built by the french. There was a guy named Bill Neese who had a Honda.
    We went to ACS in a bus with white mice and steel mesh on the windows.

    • Kenneth R. Yeager

      Bill Neese, if we are talking about the same person, was a big, heavy set fellow. I ran into him ca. 1978-79 in Maseru at the U.S. Embassy there where I was working temporarily. He may have bought my Honda 90 when I left to go to the university in the fall of 64. It was red and chrome.

  • Liz Oyler Smith

    This is Jay Oylers sister and I remember you Debbie! Wow, after all this time and here you are. Thanks big brother for finding this place.

  • Suellen Oliver Campbell

    I remember some really fun high school parties at the JDP compound in 1958-60. From a picture I have from one of those parties, I think that may have been the last time my derriere looked good in tight jeans!

  • frank femiano

    i lived in JDP from Oct 31 1963 until the evacuation in 1965. We lived in # 32, I think, across the street from the playground.I believe the guy with the honda was Dick LeFevre he crashed it once and burned his leg. The girl that had the gibbon was Barbara she was a Senior and graduated in 64. Ray C. Smith and I were pretty good friends, built a fort in his back yard. Of course all of this is based on 50 year memories.

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